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Chapter 4

The Announcement


May 11, 2022

I woke up to an announcement about the school year ending early (cheers and a lot of excitement can be heard) and to check the school page to check departure days for students.

I went over to my desk and opened my laptop to check the schedule. At the top it says students that live outside the U.S. needed to call home to check where they needed to go. Starting tomorrow students from the northeast United States can leave campus. As I scanned down I saw I was scheduled to leave in two days.

As I close the laptop my phone rings. 

It was someone from Home Base telling me what I already knew and they said Snow White has been informed and a secure text will be sent to both of us with the details.

Ten minutes later I got the text with the train, time of departure and our car number. It looks like they booked the entire car so no one would be staying near us. Three days to get to Seattle, I have never taken the train so it seems fast. Guess I am comparing it to a car where you usually stop for the night. Another day to head south to the nearest station to home.

I sent a text to Mia to confirm she got the schedule. She responded soon with a yes and asked if we could talk over lunch in her dorm to go over our schedule till then. 

I agreed to meet at noon in her cafeteria. Afterwards I started packing my stuff so there would be nothing left till the last minute.

I arrived at the cafeteria a little early and waited at the entrance for them to arrive. I was only there for a few minutes when Mai and Akeno arrived. Akeno said she called down so we only have to find a table.

Akeno told them we were here and we chose a table in a back corner. Mia and I started talking about the arrangements to get to the station. I told her my father hired a local group he knew from his days in the Marines to escort us to the station and the train. They would stay and watch till the train departs. After that it is us till we change trains in Seattle to head south. They decided to stay in the dorm and pack till we depart in 2 days. I said that was my plan and if they needed anything or wanted to leave the dorm for any reason to please inform me so I could either accompany them or follow from a distance to keep an eye out. After lunch they headed back upstairs and I headed back to my dorm.

When I reached the dorms I joined the guys outside and we talked about yesterday. Michael Hunter asked if I was going to become an Explorer

“To be honest, I don’t know. I was planning on going to college or maybe joining the military. It does open up new possibilities. If I join the military the training would come in handy to become an Explorer after that. Or just becoming an Explorer sounds good, that god did say they would give us a skill.”

“Yeah, it would be easy with a skill.” Says Michael.

“I wouldn’t say easy, he said their world was underpopulated. You would have to assume dungeons are part of the reason. I mean if you get a martial art skill and are attacked by multiple monsters it would be difficult. If you can form a party it would help, but then what is the maximum amount for a party. Also if it is like books, then each floor you go down the stronger the monsters are going to be. Guess we just need more information.”


“Yeah, I guess you are right. I am sure I could form a good party, plus a bullet to the head can take any monster down.”

We talked for a while and I headed up to finish packing.




May 12, 2022

At 0800, sorry 8 am I had my bags packed and waiting for the cars to arrive. As the cars pulled up and a man walked up to me and asked my name and then introduced himself. I knew what he looked like because I had them send me a picture so there were no mistakes. After my bags were loaded I texted Mia and said we were on our way.

When we arrived I led the ladies to the SUV and then helped load their bags before joining them in the car.

Everything went according to schedule with no problems. We arrived at the station, loaded the bags onto carts and made our way inside to check in.

After we loaded the train and got our bags in our rooms, I thanked our escorts for their help. I then waited outside the ladies room until the train started moving. Once it got up to speed I knocked on the door of the room next to mine. I asked the ladies if they needed anything till lunch, when they said no I told them to settle in and I would be next door if they needed anything.

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